BioBav Problem Solver

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BioBav Problem Solver

BioBav contains a mix of organic minerals, beneficial bacteria and important trace elements, making it a superior plant upgrader and medium conditioner. Weak plants become strong and healthy again; Yellowed plants become beautiful, strong and green again; Hard soil becomes soft and clean. It contains a mix of organic minerals, beneficial bacteria and important trace elements.

A fully organic supplement to restore plants!

How it acts on the soil:

  • The beneficial bacteria promotes more root growth and a stronger root system.
  • The water absorption capacity of the soil is improved and the soil can be better utilised.
  • The physical structure of the soil is reorganised and upgraded thanks to the many organic minerals. Plants develop better and the yield is greater.
  • The micro and macro elements in the soil and roots benefit from a non-complex form of enzymes.
  • Regulates the pH-value and geothermic heat.

How it acts on the plant:

  • The organic macro and micro minerals provide a high dose of nutrient so the plant gets reinvigorated and becomes healthy again.
  • The micro-organisms increase the useful nutrient content and improves its uptake by the plant.
  • The key ingredients dissolve and turn into potassium salt, making the plant ready for growth.
  • Enhances flavour and taste of vegetables.
  • Extends the life of the plant.
  • Decreases the need for chemical fertilizers.

How To Use

For use as a regular feed: Mix 2.5ml of BioBav per litre of water and feed once a week. If the plant has flowers or fruits, use 5ml per week.

For use as a problems solver: Mix 5ml of BioBav per litre of water. Feed the plant once per week until it has fully recovered. This can be used for: yellowing leaves, stunted plant growth, signs of deficiency, or for old soil.

For use as a leaf spray: Mix 2.5ml of BioBav per litre of water at night time or when the plant is not directly in contact with the sun.