See How Taking Care Of Your Plants’ Roots Wins You Optimum Harvests!
Your plants’ roots are like buried treasure when you discover how easy it is to maximize their function and to achieve optimum harvests.
You take care of your roots by utilizing their ability to form symbiotic relationships with beneficial fungi and bacteria. These relationships help your roots intake nutrients.
Beneficial microbes break down old root material, and provide nutrition.
On top of that, microbes provide aeration so oxygen can reach further to penetrate more into roots. They also capture nitrogen and help make phosphorus more available, which you are aware of as essential, major nutrients for your plants.
Given that beneficial microbes contribute to a more natural, better-functioning root zone environment, what is the best way to place beneficial microbes into the hydroponics root zone?
To answer this question, Advanced Nutrients scientists conducted a multi-phase research project to create beneficial microbes that give Voodoo Juice that the following documented plusses for your garden:
You see how beneficial microbes products are good for your garden, but yes it’s confusing and frustrating when you go to a hydroponics store and see beneficial microbes formulas made by different manufacturers. Your obvious question is which of these is going to give me the biggest bang for my buck.
To answer your question, understand there are two very distinct processes manufacturers can choose from when they want to offer you microbes products.
The most common process is when a hydroponics company calculates that it can save on production costs by hiring a third-party company to bulk produce/bulk combine microbes without testing them for specific plant appropriateness or microbial compatibility. And in the process they forfeit supervision of manufacturing and quality control.
Not only that, but their process includes a generic view of microbes. For example, when someone talks about the microbe “Bacillus subtilis,” that strain name is really just the tip of the iceberg… it’s exactly like saying “General Motors” to describe a car, and you have no idea if it’s a Pontiac or a Chevy.
And if it’s a Chevy, it could be either a Malibu or Corvette. So if you’re lucky, you got the Corvette – but you’re still left guessing if your Corvette has the 300 hp motor or if it’s a ZR1 Corvette with the 620 horsepower motor! That’s how much difference there is between individual types of “Bacillus subtilis” microbes.
Obviously we absolutely make sure Voodoo Juice microbes are always the ZR1 Corvette with 620 horsepower motor, not the Chevy Malibu!
Here’s how we do it…
The bottom line is you procure Voodoo Juice and feed your roots to get more vigorous plants and mega-potent flowers. This is a basic but important step you can easily take today to upgrade the nutrient health and productivity of your garden right away.